Religion – the science, the object of study which can be religion. As a comparatively independent branch of Religious Studies evolved because the XIX century., Even though the relevant knowledge, and above all philosophical, theological, historical, psychological, and others have accumulated more than the centuries. Now the subject of Religious laws are the origin, development essay writing help and functioning of religion, its diverse phenomena as they appeared within the history of society, the relationship and interaction of religion and other areas of culture. This study religion in the amount of society, groups and men and women.
ICT is the mode of education that uses information and communication technology to support, enhance and optimize the delivery of information. The overall objective of ICT is to provide additional support to teaching faculty and students. Therefore our school is also providing ICT classes to their students to help them learn better through visual aids like images, videos and slide presentations etc. These classes will help the students to clarify their concepts in a better way.